About Me

Erin Zell, Nutrition
and Fitness Coach
Certified Fitness Instructor
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
200 HR Yoga Instructor
Registered Yoga Instructor
Kripalu, Yoga Alliance
Certified Coach
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
I help midlife women gain energy, eat to nourish, get lean, and age healthfully.
Health, fitness, and wellness have been a passion of mine since I was a teenager. While attending college, I became a certified group fitness instructor.
As a part time job and healthy hobby, my fitness instructor career spanned alongside several fulltime professional careers throughout adulthood and while raising our two children with my husband. In my forties, I became a Certified Yoga instructor. My personal quest for optimal healthy living led me to dive deeper into the connection between what we eat and how it effects our health.
Now that I am in my 50s, my focus is more on both living and aging well. By implementing daily the strategies that I teach my clients into practice, I am living proof that you can feel better in midlife than we ever thought was possible!
I love teaching my clients how to incorporate simple and easy healthy recipes, and encouraging them to get more active. I am constantly researching best practices and the latest health trends to bring up to date information into my teaching, workshops, and nutrition coaching. Focusing on balanced nutrition, adding more daily movement including resistance training, practicing intermittent fasting, and finding ways to reduce stress - my clients enjoy renewed energy, balance their hormones, and feel better than they have in years! Teaching others wellness and helping them to achieve great results has given me a great sense of joy and purpose in my life! Thanks for being here, I am happy to welcome you to my community of women looking to be the best and healthiest versions of themselves – so they can show up joyfully every day in their own lives!