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Simple At-Home Detox Methods for Overall Wellness

From The FASTer Way to Fat Loss Blog It’s not unusual to ignore your liver, after all, it’s not an organ we give much thought to until we’re having symptoms we can’t quite explain, or health issues we’ve tried to take care of but aren’t going away. The liver, however, is crucial to overall health. In a recent FASTer Way to Fat Loss podcast, Dr. Jessica Peatross shared valuable insights on liver health and simple detox methods you can try at home.

The Importance of Liver Health

Let’s start with ‘why’ a healthy liver is important. Shockingly, Dr. Peatross says one in three people in the United States have a liver problem and most don’t know it. That means you may not be experiencing obvious symptoms, but something is going on that you can’t see or feel. 

The liver is an unsung hero in the journey to being fit and fabulous. It’s the ultimate multitaskers - breaking down healthy fats, making sure your body gets the good stuff it needs and gets rid of the bad stuff. It’s also the master of detox, cleaning our toxins like it’s spring cleaning every day. That work can keep energy levels steady. It’s also a protein making machine, and if you’ve been here any time at all, you know how important that is. 

Signs of Liver Stress

Your liver is doing a lot behind the scenes, so let’s show it some love! As Dr. Jess Peatross recently shared on the FASTer way to Fat Loss podcast, “The liver holds anger and resentment, frustration. If anyone's dealing with those problems it may be a clue your liver needs TLC."

Here are some symptoms to watch out for:

  • Unusually tired even when you’re sticking to a fitness routine and getting sleep 

  • Unexpected weight changes, which could either be a loss of appetite or weight gain and fluid retention

  • Changes in skin, such as acne 

  • Mood swings or mental fog making it hard to stay focused

  • Seasonal allergies - yes, according to Dr. Peatross even the so-called season allergies could be a sign your liver needs some love

Simple At-Home Detox Methods

There are several gentle ways to support liver health:

1. Castor Oil Packs

"The gentle way is like a castor oil pack,” she says. Pro tip: use it in the sauna so there’s heat with it. “It helps move the bile and puts them in parasympathetic mode,” says Peatross.

2. Bitter Herbs

The liver loves bitter herbs like dandelion, milk thistle, and gentian root.

3. TUDCA Supplements

According to Dr. Peatross, “Taurine, the ‘t’ in TUDCA, crosses a blood brain barrier and helps with calming people down and cognition."

4. Lemon Water in the morning Besides aiding in the liver to flush toxins out of the body, lemon water will also aid digestion, metabolism, and support your immune system.

5. The sauna is another great tool for liver health. Sweat is a great way to release toxins. You can release more heavy metals, pcbs and toxins in sweat than you can feces and urine," says Dr. Peatross.

Implementing Liver Support in Your Routine

Like any change you make with your health, it’s easier to stick with new habits when you take them one at a time. It’s no different here. Start small by incorporating one or two of these methods into your daily routine. You might begin with a castor oil pack session in the sauna once a week, or add some dandelion tea to your morning ritual. Remember, consistency is key when it comes to supporting your liver health.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new health regimen, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or are taking medications.

For more detailed information on liver health and other wellness topics, be sure to listen to the full podcast episode with Dr. Jessica Peatross. And if you're looking for a comprehensive approach to your health and fitness, join me and the hundreds of women women who are feeling and looking better through this program.


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